If the Reader is a Pre-Trib Pastor, no doubt you've Pondered how Mortals can, "Inherit the Kingdom prepared for them from the Foundation of the World" (Matt.25:34), and still be mortals. Then when you read where Paul wrote, "Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption" (1Cor.15:50), you again wonder if Pre-Trib really has it right about mortals inheriting the Kingdom. As a Pre-Trib Pastor or as a Pre-Trib Layman, you know that both of these Scripture passages are used constantly by Pre-Trib as proof texts for the Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom. Pre-Trib stands firm that whenever the Bible says, "Kingdom of God," the reference is to what Pre-Trib calls the, "Earthly Millennial Kingdom."
"Kingdom Prepared from the Foundation of the World"
Pre-Trib says the purpose of the Kingdom of God is for the Jews, while still in their mortal, "flesh and blood," bodies to be the dominate Nation over the rest of the world. Pre-Trib says that the people in the other nations over which the Jews rule will also still be in their mortal, "flesh and blood" bodies.
Nay Paul - Thou art Wrong
Why would Paul, while writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, write, "Flesh and blood, (Mortals) CANNOT inherit the Kingdom of God," if the main group inheriting the Kingdom will still be in their Flesh and Blood, mortal bodies? Death Swallowed Up in Victory
After Paul wrote, "Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God," he wrote something else that further stops anyone from misunderstand what he meant. "So when this corruptable shall have put on incorruption, and when this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory" (1Cor.15:55-56). Once again we must either accept what Paul prophesied, or we must say to Paul, "Nay Paul!! Thou art wrong, again! Death is not swallowed up in victory at the Rapture, because, the Great Tribulation comes next, during which time many that are 'Left Behind' will convert to Christianity and be killed!" Dear Reader, let's be honest. If Pre-Trib Promoters hold to their present view, they have no choice but dispute Paul's statement about Death being Swallowed up in Victory.
"Behold I come Quickly"
"And, Behold I come Quickly, and My reward is with Me to give EVERY man according as his work shall be" (Rev 22:12).
Jesus rewards everyone when He Comes Quickly. Can He do this when He, "Comes Quickly," if the Great Tribulation has not occurred yet? According to Pre-Trib, there'll still be 144 Thousand special Jews, plus a Great Multitude of people that will not even believe in Jesus when He comes to take His people to Heaven!
Again, Dear Reader, let's be honest. Does Pre-Trib need to say to John, "Nay John!! Thou art also wrong! Jesus will not Reward every man at that time because the Tribulation and the Millennium will be yet still in the future!" If the Reader is a Pastor, surly you've wondered about this and been concerned that the Bible Text doesn't fit into what you've been taught and taught your congregation. If Pre-Trib is correct, the following people will not receive their rewards when Jesus "Comes Quickly."
- 144 Thousand - Pre-Trib says these will be "Left Behind" when Jesus Comes, but the Bible says these are the principle members of the Bride of Christ and will be especially honored when Jesus comes. The Bible says these 144 Thousand will also be especially honored throughout eternity.
- Un-Numbered Multitude - The Bible is not totally clear as to who these people actually are, but it is clear that they, "Came out of Great Tribulation" (Rev. 7:15) and will be in Heaven after Jesus "Comes Quickly." They "stand before the Throne and before the Lamb" (Vs.9)!
- Old Testament Believers - Pre-Trib says there'll be No Old Testament believers Resurrected when Jesus "Comes Quickly," but that these people will be Resurrected 7 years later at His Second Coming.
- Millennium People - Pre-Trib says there'll be another thousand years during which Millions, even Billions, of people will be born after Jesus "Comes Quickly!" If Pre-Trib is correct, obviously these un-born people could not receive their rewards when Jesus comes.
Just before Jesus says, "And, Behold I come Quickly, and My reward is with Me to give EVERY man according as his work shall be" (Rev 22:12), He told John about an announcement He would make before He would come. "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; he that is filthy, let him be filthy still" (Rev.22:11).
"In My Father's House"
If we accept the following words from Jesus, all Pondered and Un-Answerable Questions will vanish: "Let not your hearts be troubled! Ye believe in God, believe also in Me! In My Father's House are many mansions (rooms)! If it were not so. I would have told you! I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU! And if I go to PREPARE a PLACE for you, I will COME again, and RECEIVE you unto Myself, that where I am, THERE YE MAY BE ALSO" (Jn.14:1-3)! Notice the word, "Prepare" is in the Verse twice. Now let's look again at what Jesus told His Disciples a day before: "Come ye blessed of My Father, Inherit the Kingdom prepared for them from the Foundation of the World (Matt25:34). If we look at these together, the whole thing makes perfect sense.
So, if we accept that when Jesus comes, He will take every saved person since Creation to Heaven, which is New Jerusalem, with Him, and these "Mansions" He has prepared will be their homes, then, after a thousand years Jesus brings New Jerusalem down here to earth, destroys this earth, and then creates a New Earth and gives it to His saved people for them to inhabit throughout Eternity, it is clear what Jesus meant by "Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the World." But if we try to mix mortals and immortals into this, confusion will beget confusion.
The whole view of an Earthly Millennial Kingdom introduces many Ponderable Questions. - If Christ's Kingdom is "Everlasting," how can it be Millennial?
- If Planet Earth is devastated at the Second Coming, will Jesus really say, "Come ye blessed of My Father! Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World!"
- Will there be a mixture of Mortals and Immortals mingling together in the Millennial Kingdom?
- Will there really be Animal Sacrifices during the Millennial Kingdom?
- If Jesus said there will be no sinners "inherit, enter, or see" the Kingdom, then we must accept what He said.
Thank you SO much, Dear Reader, for your time. Let's continue asking for God's Spirit as we study!
Your Brother in Christ
Walter C. Martin Jr
See Christ's Millennial Kingdom, and Satan's Millennial Kingdom.
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Walter C. Martin Jr. |
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Let's pray that God will continue sending His Holy Spirit to guide as we prepare for Jesus to come. Thank You!
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr
Your Brother in Christ!
Walter C. Martin Jr